The Behrends' Travel Adventures in Europe


Letter Date and opening Places Mentioned People Mentioned
1955-07-18: We got on board about 10 Harriet had stayed in Greenwich over night so we. . . Crenailliere, Departure. On Queen Elizabeth., Europe, Franconia, Greenwich, Le Br istol, Paris, Waldorf- the Reacock Alley, dining, dock, movies, pools Billy, Captain, Caryl, Caryls, Dale, Esther Boyer, Gail's, H., Harriet, Kissy, Mr and Mrs Andeson, Purser
1955-07-19: Took a motor froma travel agency- after breakfast in our fancy round sitting roo. . . Bois, Bristol, Caron, Casion deParis, GARDEN, Le Pre Catalan, Lubin's, Paris, Place -de Vendome, R.R. station, Siens, The Ritz Hotel, Tourist Agency|reg, Waycross Georgia, jewellers DAVIDSON'S, Gail, Harriet, Harvey
1955-07-26: We are just about to take off for Copenhagen and are sit- ting a. . . Amsterdam, Azay-le-Rideau, Bois de Boulougne, Brussels, Burges, Casino de Paris, Cherbourg, Copen- hagen, Copenhagen, Grand Place, Le Bristol, London, Manior Berheron, New York, Osten, Paris, Wilsons hotel, montmartre Charles Jubilee, Wilsons
1955-07-28: Did letter and left the Astoria with Otto and the ford car-. . . Astoria, Mexico, Oscar Davidson's, Palace Hotel, Permente, Rosenborg Palace, Royal Deer Park, Texas, Weavers embroidery shop, garden Gail, Mr Dessau, Mr Dessau's, Mrs Dessau, Otto, ROul, William, jensens
1955-07-29: The Manoir de Bécheron is a private home which welcomes a few paying . . . "Sleeping Beauty" castle of Usse, Azay-le-Rideau, Azay-le-Rideau,, Bécheron, Chateaux de la Loire region, Europe, Bécheron, Forêt de Loches, Indre, Indre-et-Loire, Langeais., Manoir De Bécheron, Mme. de Pompadour's palace at Ménars, Paris, Saché,, The Manoir de Bécheron, The Saché Museum, United States A. Ozenfant., Alexander Calder, Eva, Jacques Davidson, Jo Davidson., Laurent, Max Ernst
1955-07-29: Still at the Palace Hotel. WEnt to several fu places One especially. . . Bangs, Friedensborg palace, Friendrichborg palace, KronbergCastle, Palace Hotel Mrs Dessau

Departure. On Queen Elizabeth. At Noon, July 18, 1955.

We got on board about 10 Harriet had stayed in Greenwich over night so went in town with us. Wm drove the station wagon with our bags. Very cleverlym selected as we had two suut cases each and a "bottle bag and the typewriter-plus a very unhealthy looking green duffle bag(reserved for purchases. THIS folded up on thebbottem of a suit case for future use! State room gay with flowers and champagne. We had a send of party. Billy was hiding behind a curtain and was a HUGE surprise'Caryl had arranged it this way Gail's mother and a friend- Dale and Kissy got to the dock just after 10.30 and were not allowed to come on board. Too bad. Huge ship. Like a section of the Waldorf- the Reacock Alley plus several of the dining rooms- afloat Streams of PEOPLE nulling about. We had a table in the dining room with 5 other femal ladies. Thought it would divert us. The one man looked us over and next meal he wasn't there. So we dr4ew ano anoother lady. It all proved to be amusing. We exchange addresses and werephotographed to-gether. Voyage very smooth all way over. We took in the movies and pools. I won a few dollars on a pool. A Mr and Mrs Andeson, very nice friends of H. and Caryls asked us for cocktails one evening. Then there were the parties of the Captain and the Purser Also Esther Boyer was on board with a party of eight in cabin class, she was to steer (ab??) over Europe. She came up and has tea with us one day. The Captain and Purser both were on the Franconia about years ago- as under officers- on a world cruise wer were on. Both exptremely cordial. Took train around noon for Paris. Hot as blazes. and stuffy besides. Had lunch en route. Quite good. Paris and piled our belongings intoo a cab and landed at Le Br istol- a rather smallish hotel were diplomats go- white marble and mirrors. We had an oval white panelled round sitting room. (which we didn't need and later gave up.) Very weary and after some refreshing tub baths went over to the Crenailliere(nearby) where we had a very delicious dinner.

Paris July 19th. 1955-

Took a motor froma travel agency- after breakfast in our fancy round sitting room. Drove all around Paris the driver named Harvey had a daughter named at Waycross Georgia. Went to Lubin's for perfrume (had the pink flannel faffair that Harriet had given me—REsented') Walked around the circle—Place -de Vendome to Caron, The Ritz Hotel, and a jewellers where I was intregues by a Jewelled bird. But did NOT get it! To a very nice resturant in the Bois for lunch Le Pre Catalan. Went thento both sides of the Siens and got some little prints of Paris. R.R. station and Tourist Agency|reg. tickets. We had our evening meal at the Bristol and then set out for the Casion deParis. Very amusing show- we stayed thro' half of it but felt we needed sleep. Gail got a cab by her shrill whistle!"


July 26, 1955


Dear People:

We are just about to take off for Copenhagen and are sit- ting around so I will try to send this second installment of our trip report. If I remember correctly, the last letter came from the boat. We arrived in Cherbourg and got safely on the train to fin that it was over 90. We nearly died on the ride to Paris. Very unairconditioned train and blazing sun. The first thing we did when we arrived at Le Bristol was fall in cold tub. We went out for dinner later and cele- brater with Charles Jubilee. Very tasty! The next day Mrs. Behrend hired a car and guide and we drove all over Paris. It is so beautiful but so expensive! $90 a minute to breath! We did a bit of shopping, had lunch in the Bois de Boulougne shopped on the Left Bank, got train tickets and that night went to the Casino de Paris. Pretty naked ladies I must say. We were not carried away by it but did see it, so that is that.

The next morning we were up at the crack of dawn and off to Tours. The man and his wife who ran the Manior Berheron, where we stayed as a mmber of the family were terribly nice. We arravied in time for lunch and then got in a little car and went through some beautiful country to see some of the chateaux. We enjoyed it traemndously. You can see where the old French painters get all their inspirations. Lovely rivers, old mills and beautiful trees. That night after dinner we went to a nearby chateau, Azay-le-Rideau which was illuminated. Just like fairyland. They also had a sort of play very cleverly done just done with voices and lighting which told the history of the building. We will never forget it.

Thursday, the Davidsons, our hosts and their little boy and and ourselves went on another chateaux trip which was just a grand as the day before. We had a picnic on the way and tea on the way home. Great fun. The only thing that marred the trip was another guest who arrived who knew all about everything and told it in the loudest of voices. I got in a ter- rible row with him about sports. Everyone was on my side but you couldn't get a word in edge wise. Itwas rather funny to look back on but I nearly had a nervous breakdown when it was going on.

Friday we left Tours at about eleven and got back in Paris for lunch. After the lovely meal we changed out on foot to do some shopping.

and walked around. This we dis. Not too many purchases. We were going upto montmartre but decided to get to bed early to leave for Brussels the next day.

We had a perfect flight from London here. Mercedes Bucher met us at the airport and we came to the hotel. the Wilsons, Mrs. BBs cousin, called and came over for a drink. We then went for a delicious lunch, food is marvelous here, on the Grand Place which is fantatic. Mercedes has a car so we spent the afternoon seeing Brussels which is very pretty. Lovely park and old buildings. Had dinner in a very old place with lots of atmoshpere and good food. Sunday we piled into the car and went to Burges, about and hour and a half away. A divine old town. We took a ride in a carriage all over the town. Great fun. On the way back we stopped for tea in the Osten which is a big seaside resort. Arrived back here at eight and ha a light supper on the Grand Place which is illuminated at night and breathtaking. Yesterday we shopped most of the day and walked around seeing things. All had cocktails at the Wilsons hotel and dinner later.

It is now Tuesday again and we leave here at 12:55 for Copen- hagen arriving there at 4:30. Have to change planes in Amsterdam. Mer- bill etc. The Wilsons left a while ago for Paris. We will see them in London in August.

We see by the paper that it is still unberable in New York and are pleased to be here. weather has been perfect except for the day we arrived.

Much love to all from both of us.

Thus July 28. uruet vilt oer cae cotto oei deierr THURSDAY

Did letter and left the Astoria with Otto and the ford car- our new car and driver for our jaunt. Went to Bang and looked at fur jackets.And then to jensens where Gail made a purchase. To Weavers embroidery shop. Then to Oscar Davidson's where the Menu is several yards long- all open faced sadnwhiches. Didn't think so much of this place. Then to the Permente again and then back to the astoria to pack up our things and left for the Palace Hotel where we had a rather nice room etc. Then we rushed out to the Rosenborg Palace to see the jewels etc. It was close in about half an hour so didn't have too much time.After this we drove out to the Royal Deer Park. A large building in a park- open fields with many herds of deer roaming about

In the evening we were invited to Mr Dessau's f or dinner. his son William came in to get us. Very nice and friendly. Almost everyone seems to speak English. They get a terrific lot of it in the schools. Mrs Dessau looks very young Had another son there-ROul- and his very sweet bride of a few months. She was born in Mexico and in fact IS Mexican but lived a long time in Texas. Does notnSpeak Danish. After meeting them all Mr Dessau Asked us to see his garden. He had several hundred parakets in a huge cage- like a big room- and arranged so they could fly in and out. Then he showed us his special pets Two tame Kangaroo!! They hopped out of their enclosure and like to me patted. Very tame. He has had them several years. T gave Mrs Dessau one of my little trimmed Christmas trees And to the bride a little "shelf" which was really Mexican and I had trimmed it over and remade it They werre very pleqsed. had a nice evening and enjoyed them all. Also we LIKE the Toborg beer better than ant other kind!!

Phone, Azay-le-Rideau 46 Manoir De Bécheron Saché Indre-et-Loire

We think this letter must be written before they leave, but after the others we have encoded. We speculate the date must be before July 29, 1955.

The Manoir de Bécheron is a private home which welcomes a few paying guests. It is a rambling 15th-16th Century house situated in the peaceful valley of the Indre in the heart of the Chateaux de la Loire region. The air of Old World charm with modern comfort. The cuisine is French, meals are 'en famille', except for breakfast, which is served in your room or if you choose, in the gardens. You are one of us when we go visiting our French and American neighbors. Among them are such famous artists as Alexander Calder, Max Ernst and A. Ozenfant. Bécheron is 25 kilometers from Tours, which can be reached by rail from Paris in about two and half hours. Of course we meet you at the station. The rate in high-season (June 15-August 31) is $15 a day or $100 a week per person all inclusive (room, bath, 3 meals, wines, liqueurs, coffee and service). This includes the local excursions around Bécheron such as Saché, Azay-le-Rideau, Tours, Langeais. The Saché Museum now houses a permanent exhibit of the sculpture of my father, Jo Davidson. The off-season rate (March 1-June 14; Sept. 1-October 31) is $10 a day or $65 a week per person. Contrary to the usual continental practice there are no extra charges at Bécheron. My French wife and I have two children, Eva age 12 and Laurent who is 5; we can and do care for children, and you will find they are never underfoot. If you should want a place where you can safetly leave yours while touring Europe, Bécheron is the place you are looking for. Our children were born in the United States and speak French and English as of course we do. A week in Bécheron is over before you realize it! You won't want to miss the thrilling sight of the illuminated chateaux; they alone are worth the trip. The "Sleeping Beauty" castle of Usse, Azay-le-Rideau, famous Chenonceau and Chambord are but a few of the fabulous palaces which surround us. During one of your outings we will picnic in the Forêt de Loches near a circular 12th Century chapel, or on the banks of the Loire across from Mme. de Pompadour's palace at Ménars. We will also take you to one of the outstanding restaurants of Tours on a picturesque medieval square. We are looking forward with pleasure to meeting you, with or without your children. We'll be glad to answer any specific questions you may have. Write for us.

Cordially yours, (signiture) Jacques Davidson

July 29. cofuchagee Friday

Still at the Palace Hotel. WEnt to several fu places One especially Mrs Dessau told us of. But after we had seen others went back to Bangs, which is really the most "swell"establishment- and bought the short jacket we liked in the first place. then we went to Friendrichborg palace,where we went in. A huge place with mucH to see. Orders of the White Elephant. etc. IN- Took pictures of the storks on the chimney tops. They return these nests about May 8th every year. WEnt to a vehyrm charming palace- a resturant where we had a view of the castle, looking over a lake. then we proceeded to Friedensborg palace, the summer r Residence of the King. We were allowed to see just a series of rooms on the lower floor. All wrapped up in covers and the curtains all covered up. OLD FASHioNeD BUT NICE To elsinore -but did not go in.Called KronbergCastle Drive back along the coast.Lots of bicycles- many with little children clinging on the back. One little boy calmly eating a sort of ice cream cone- while his mother rode along with him hanging on. Again we wandered over to Tivoli and had a simple meal over there. and went to bed early as we had a days jaunt before us for the next day- to bournhiolm , the danish Island. An air plane to get there!