News Analysis Project

Meet the team

We are hosted by This project was designed for the Spring 2017 Coding and Digital Visualization course, part of the Digital Studies Certificate.

Team Members

Jon Horanic - Jon Horanic is a 2018 graduate of the University of Pittsburgh at Greensburg with a bachelors degree in English Literature. As a member of this project, he designed the website was responsible for creating the original structural markup of the articles.

Jon Horanic

Samantha McGuigan - Samantha McGuigan is an April, 2017 graduate of the University of Pittsburgh at Greensburg where she will graduate summa cum laude with a bachelors degree in Communication, a minor in English Literature, and a Digital Studies Certificate. She helped with marking up the articles for emotional language. She also created the network visualizations with Cytoscape.

Samantha McGuigan

Aaron Newton - Aaron Newton is a 2019 graduate of the University of Pittsburgh at Greensburg with a bachelors degree in Information Technology. He helped creating SVG bar graph visualizations and worked on marking up quotations in the articles.

Aaron Newton

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